- Particle Swarm Optimization with Dynamic Targets
Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm experiment with moving/degrading target was initially designed to implement Ant Colony Optimization, but has been refactored for particle swarm with targets decaying on convergence (inversely proportional to swarm velocity). Decay rate defined as carry_capacity of particles defines the number of particles required to be in proximity to target for it to decay self.particles_for_decay = self.NumParticles * (1 - self.w) if 0 < w <= 1 else self.NumParticles
- CFA GIS Delivery Zone Optimization
Mapbox GIS visualization using historic delivery data to inform delivery zone optimization through speed of service
- NASA Landslide Data Visualization
Includes public NASA landslide data from 1988-2017 Visualizes landslide dataset on a GIS tileset using the Mapbox tool.
- Article: Outrunning Digital Realism
As reality virtualization becomes more prevalent, virtual reality threatens both physical interaction and the instigation of severe social dilemmas revolving around escapism.
- REAL-WORLD CYBORGS | Human Augmentation Video Essay - Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Discussion of current technology, technological development tracjectory, and social and ethical topics relating to replacing, supplementing, and superseding human abilities through use of tools and augmentation.
- Healthcare Robotics Lecture: Autonomous Agents and Human Augmentation
Short Lecture on current healthcare robotics systems, artificial intelligence, and ethics of robotics in relation to the benefit brought about by these technologies.